Amanda Lavesque
Amanda Levesque is a fourth year undergraduate student at the University of Maine. She is a double major in History and English, concentrating in Creative Writing, with a minor in Religious Studies, in the Honors College. She joined the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center in 2024 as a writer and transcriber for the Policy Center’s podcast. Her prior work has included rehabilitating trail signs for Bangor’s Kenduskeag Stream Heritage Trail and acting as student coordinator for the Maine Day Meal Packout on the University of Maine campus. Her studies as a historian and writer span multiple genres, with her research including the integration of Indigenous storytelling into historiography and food insecurity in her home state of Massachusetts. Amanda’s current work is her Honors Thesis, an auto-critical piece about her experiences as a third-generation citizen in the United States that includes commentary on immigration policy and treatment. She plans to graduate this coming May and begin to work in the historical preservation field.