Maine NEW Leadership Institute 2025

Governor Janet Mills with Maine NEW Leadership participants standing around large conference table.

Maine NEW Leadership Institute is a non-partisan leadership development program promoting civic engagement and addressing the underrepresentation of women in politics. Join us for five days of workshops, presentations, and networking with some of Maine’s most successful leaders. Undergraduates enrolled in any college/university in Maine and undergraduates from Maine attending out of state colleges/universities are encouraged to apply.

See you there!

Now Accepting 2025 Maine NEW Leadership Applications

Educate Engage Empower

Maine NEW Leadership is a nonpartisan leadership development program for college students designed to educate and empower participants by enhancing the skills necessary to become the next generation of civic and political leaders. 

Hosting its residential leadership development program each year in late May/early June, Maine NEW Leadership is looking for a diverse group of students who are motivated to engage and to develop their own leadership skills.

The program includes presentations from leaders throughout Maine, meetings with state legislators and policy advocates at the State House, and workshops for participants to actively develop leadership skills, such as public speaking, advocacy, and networking.  Participants also benefit from the experience of leaders-in-residence, who serve as mentors for students throughout their stay.

Maine NEW Leadership is open to undergraduate students enrolled in any Maine college or university and Maine residents enrolled in out-of-state schools.  Students must be at least in their first year of college when they apply.  Students who will be graduating in the spring are eligible.  Maine NEW Leadership is committed to having a diverse group of participants in each class.  Traditional and non-traditional college students from all backgrounds are enthusiastically encouraged to apply.

2024 NEW Leadership participants standing outside and in front of the State Capital in Augusta, Maine
NEW Leadership students participating in a zip lining activity.