Special Issue on Maine’s Share Ocean—Call for Submissions
It is with great pleasure that Maine Policy Review Editors announce a call for submissions for a special issue devoted to identifying and exploring the complex issues about the ocean and coastline that will affect Maine’s future. This special issue, “Our Shared Ocean” is important and timely because of external threats, competing interests, shifting uses, policy actions, and potential innovations that have the potential to alter this iconic and crucial part of Maine’s identity. In this issue, we hope to find common ground, learn from history, and explore the myriad ways the ocean affects our economy and communities, leading both to challenges that must be addressed and to opportunities that are emerging. This special issue is being funded through the generous support of the Broad Reach Fund.
Those interested in being considered for this issue will need to submit an abstract of the proposed submission (of no more than 250 words) by April 14, 2023.
We welcome perspectives from multiple stakeholders. The scope of potential topics is large, and is no way limited to, the following:
- Climate change—ocean and coastal impacts
- Energy and off-shore wind
- Fishing industry and livelihood challenges and opportunities
- Aquaculture
- Species change and impacts
- Infrastructure, supply chains, and distribution networks
- Economic drivers and data analysis
- Public versus private access
- Policy and regulatory challenges and opportunities
- Indigenous perspectives
- Tourism and recreation
- Conservation
- Best practices or models from elsewhere
- Impact and inspiration the Maine Coast has/has had on the arts
- Next generation maritime training and aspirations
We are soliciting the following types of submissions:
- Short pieces (500–1000 words) describing an aspect of Maine’s ocean or coastal realities—past, present, or future.
- Medium-length commentaries (1000–2500 words) exploring history, challenges, economic drivers, innovations, or finding common ground
- Full-length research-based articles (2500–6000 words, word limits do not include references, endnotes, and bios). Full-length articles will be expected to provide a historical framework, background and data, a short literature review, and a discussion of policy implications.
If you are interested in participating in this issue, please send an abstract or one paragraph description of your proposed topic to mpr@maine.edu.
Final submissions will be due in August for review and editing, and the issue will be published in late 2023. Examples of past MPR issues are available at MPR’s Digital Commons site. For more information, see our detailed submission guidelines.
We are excited about this issue and its great importance. Please feel free to contact mpr@maine.edu with any questions.